What are Custom Name Badges 

Name badges are small identification tags that individuals wear to events, conferences, gatherings or work. They play a central role in initiating communication between people who don’t know each other. And they can help create a sense of community in a new or unfamiliar setting. name badges in virtually any material that work great for any professional or casual setting including in-office and business events. Our passion is to provide sharp looking company name badges for employees and businesses that make a great impression at work, any event or in public.They serve as visual cues that make it easy to initiate conversations and remember people’s names, leading to more personal interactions and stronger professional networks.

Where Are They Used?

There is hardly a professional setting where name badges don’t make things easier and more friendly. Add someone’s title or job function, and they can establish credibility and foster networking opportunities. In schools and teaching environments, they promote inclusivity and facilitate friendship among students and faculty. They’re also helpful in settings where a professional group of people interact with new clients throughout the day, like in a medical office, or service desk. Name badges are ideal in settings of hospitality, like hotels and restaurants so customers can get oriented and feel welcome to ask for direction or assistance.
So now that we’ve established how infinitely useful badges are in all different settings, you may want to design and make your own. This article will guide you through designing a custom name tag. We will include easy steps and tips to help you create professional-looking name labels that align with your brand identity or event theme.
The concept of wearing name badges has been around forever for a reason. A professional company name badge shows potential customers, visitors and business associates that a person belongs with your company and is trustworthy .Custom name badges also show your logo and promote your branding. Whether at work, a networking function or trade show, you want your company logo to look professional and stand out in a crowd. With custom name badges from NBI, you can do just that.
Company name badges themselves are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, colors and materials, allowing you the freedom of choice to design the perfect name badge for your business while also personalizing it for each employee.
Our name badges come with a choice of magnetic or pin backings for greater flexibility, which allows you to choose the most suitable attachment method for your particular apparel. The badges are also available in plastic as well as metal to give our customers variety when meeting their custom name badge needs.
Name Badges International also offers a reusable version for companies that have high turn-over or that need to personalize badges at a moment’s notice. Reusable name badges offer the same professional name badge look that you would expect from NBi with personalization that can be done with a standard printer.

Brass Badges

Brass name badges are durable metal plates displaying a person’s name and information, commonly used in professional settings to improve communication and customer service. They are customizable, stylish, and easy to maintain.

Steel Badges

Steel name badges are long-lasting metal plates that display a person’s name and information, ideal for industrial and manufacturing settings. They are customizable, easy to maintain, and practical for workplaces that require a sturdy identification solution.

Explore the benefits to your business and customer experience.

1. Identifies Employees to Customers
Name Badges make it easy for customers to identify employees when assistance and customer service is needed and provides accountability for behavior.
2. Builds and Maintains Corporate identity
By adding your logo to every employee badge, you contribute to your corporate branding and advertising efforts.
3. Facilitates Rapport and Conversations
Name Badges help initiate conversations with employees. Using names in conversation makes people feel more important and helps build relationships.
4. Makes Security a Priority
Name Badges provide an extra level of security at your business since it is easy to identify company employees.
5. Promote Employee Communication
Name Badges allows employees in different departments within your organization to quickly identify one another.
6. Boost Professionalism and Appearance
A name badge is a great way to add a level of consistency and professionalism among the employees of your workplace.


Designing custom personalized name badges is not only useful, but it’s an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your creativity and attention to detail. By considering such as purpose, material, size and shape and color scheme, you can create visually appealing and effective design.
Remember to consider font, color scheme, logo placement and text alignment for optimal results. Test a few options to make sure your name badges are easily readable.